“Why is everything more expensive now?”
Money is crystallised time.
It represents the time and effort it took to earn it.
It's the proof of your work.
So naturally you want to preserve the fruits of your effort over time.
It used to be sensible to do this by saving money in the bank and plan for a rainy day.
But today leaving it in the bank is only going to allow time to devalue what you have.
Why? Because inflation eats away at the value you have accumulated through your work.
If we’re told inflation is 5% the reality is it’s 15. This is because the way inflation is officially measured is different from the way it really affects you in your pocket.
It’s all a big game in deception.
For every year you hold onto cash, its purchasing power diminishes at the same rate of real inflation.
Year 1
Start with $100,000k - 15% = $15,000 devaluation
Year 2
Start with $85,000 - 15% = $12,000 devaluation
Year 3
Start with $73,000k - 15% = $11,000 devaluation
By year 4 your $100,000 worth of savings can only buy you $62,000 of stuff.
Meanwhile wages don't rise at 15% a year.
You experience this as 'everything is so expensive now!'
So it feels harder and harder. It’s the melting iceberg.
It's not your fault.
It's because on the other side of the equation those who create the inflation understand money is crystallised time.
They print money under the guise of crisis and funding the future.
But all that does is devalue the currency and increase inflation, which has the effect of decreasing the ‘value’ of the future debt they have to repay. It’s another magic trick they play.
They crystallise money now by borrowing from the future.
I struggled to find charts that go beyond 2020. But the fact is that its’ exponentially worse already. It’s worth 99% less today than 100 years ago.
Because $,£, Euros are backed by nothing which means the central banks can print money out of thin air. The US is currently printing at the rate of $1 Trillion every 90 days.
It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire.
Because where do you think all that printed money goes? It ultimately goes back to the bankers and those closest to them. And what do they do?
Buy assets.
The only way to crystallise your time as money is to understand what money is and what it isn't. Your wealth is worthless if you keep it in currency.
Understand the game and play it differently, like them, with hard money.
Beat inflation with a plan.
Invest in assets to beat 15% per year inflation and benefit from compounded growth.
We put together a low, mid and high risk portfolios for clients this time last year.
Those that executed it are sitting on 86% growth on capital invested.
Those that chose the higher risk have 197% growth.
If they follow the plan we are doing ourselves right now they still have 30% of their capital waiting to be deployed into an opportunity to 15x its value.
The catch? Time.
It's about catching an opportunity at the right time to crystallise it in our favour in terms of $ earnt.
It’s likely we will see more money printed in the next 12 months than ever before.
This means assets are about to explode in value. It also means inflation will rip along with it.
So that currency sat in the bank is about devalue further.
It’s about investing time to unlearn what we think we know and learn new habits, skills and use new tools.
Thinking of time differently so we take the action today our future self will thank us for.
To learn along with others who think like you and want the same things.
That’s what makes it easier. Listen to people who have done it before and are doing it again. Who live the life.
Because thinking in these terms means you are different than 99% of the people who don’t.
If you’ve read all the way to here, you’re already ahead of the curve. So many won’t. They’ll find a reason to stay in the same lane, and leave it to a time they feel more ‘ready’.
But when is the right time? Time is being crystallised for you right now. Present and future.
Your future self is being crystallised right now too by the financial decisions you make or don’t make today.
Why wait? What’s your next step?
Send us your ideas, or any questions and we’ll reply back on how to think about it.